
Menominee American Legion Post 146


American Legion  Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable.  Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.

May 9, 2017

    The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its May 9 meeting at the Legion Post, First Street. In the absence of Anna Mae Amerman, chaplain, Shelly Kanyuh offered the opening prayer. Julie Erickson, president, noted the flag colors were in place, and a moment of silence for the POW-MIA veterans was observed. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner”.


    Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the April 11 regular meeting minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, gave the financial report. The reports were placed on file for audit.


    Committee Reports were presented as follows: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported the 2016 American Legion Auxiliary Department Americanism Essay Contest winner was Wyatt Poquette. Poquette is a 7th grade student at Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy, and will receive a First Place certificate, and monetary check for $50 from Unit 146 at a school assembly. In addition, Kanyuh reported that on May 22 a senior recognition tribute take places at Menominee High School, and includes several military recruits being recognized. The ALA and Post family are scheduling a dinner for the recruits and their families at a later date.


    Marge Albert, Cheer chairman, reported a card mailed to Nancy Behrendt.


    Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported an additional drop-off box site for Campbell soup labels, and Box Tops for Education is available at the Menominee Senior Center. In addition, Nutter also reported school supplies for children in need will be collected through the summer months at Legion Post 146; a collection box will be made available. School supplies donated, will then be distributed by St. Vincent de Paul in September to students in Menominee. Nutter also reported receiving a monetary donation from Sons of American Legion Post 146 for the ALA Unit’s Scholarship Fund.


    Julie Hendrick, Girls State chairman, reported receiving a donation from the Rotary Club for the Girls State program. A discussion followed on the two delegates from Menominee and their applications, packets, and bus schedule for the upcoming 77th Session of Girls State to be held June 18-24 at MSU, East Lansing, Mich.


    Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported that ALA Unit 146 passed its 100% membership goal; currently there are 259 paid members.


    Donna Lewis, Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation chairman, reports 10 Father’s Day cards (includes monetary gift) will be sent to veterans at D. J. Jacobetti Veterans Home in Marquette, Mich.


    Evie Koutnik, Poppy chairman, reported Poppy Days are May 18-20 in the City of Menominee; donations support the military and veterans.


    Connie Kewley, Public Relations chairman, reported submitting 20 media releases regarding the Unit’s various activities/programs for community awareness.


    Julie Erickson, Music chairman, reported birthday acknowledgments to the following members: Jeannette Krause, Julie Hendrick and Donna Shatusky.


    Julie Hendrick reported thank-you correspondence received from Steve Van Eyck, SAL Post Athletic chairman for the Unit’s support to the Menominee American Legion Baseball program, and Legion Post.


    Jane Raygo extended a thank you to membership for flower donations. On May 26 at 10 a.m., the Unit will place 160 bouquets of flowers in Potter’s Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee. All members are encouraged to participate in the placement.


    ALA member, Joann Torreano, reported a monetary donation from previous ALA Unit bake sale will be presented to the Menominee American Legion Baseball team.


    Donna Lewis, presented the Unit’s Slate of Officers for 2017-18 to the membership, and an election was held. Julie Erickson, president, informed membership that the Installation of Officers takes place June 13 at the Legion Post.


    Julie Erickson, president, reported on the upcoming UPAA Summer Convention to be held June 9-11 in L’Anse; Donna Lewis, Margaret Hudon, and Dona Schrank will represent ALA Unit 146 as delegates. In addition, Erickson reported the Department Summer Convention is scheduled June 22-25 in Flint, Mich. Erickson will represent the Unit.


    The ALA membership approved the following budgeted items: Relay for Life, Family Recreation Day, and Wilwin@Cigna Cove (veterans).


Upcoming Events: May 25: American flags placed on veteran gravesites/Riverside Cemetery, Menominee (10 a.m.); May 26: Flowers placed in Potter’s Field/Riverside Cemetery, Menominee (10 a.m.); May 31: Potluck Dinner @ Post (6 p.m.); June 3: Family Recreation Day; June 10: Kids Fishing Derby; June 9-11: UPAA Summer Convention/L’Anse; June 13: ALA Meeting @ Post – Social Hour