American Legion Post 146, Department of Michigan
Regular Membership Meeting
April 10th, 2017
Commander Chernetski opened the meeting at 1700 - Roll call was taken, quorum was met
Voting for the 2017-2019 Officers took place this day and votes were being counted during the meeting
Minutes from March meeting were read and approved
Executive quorum met and nothing significant to hold separate meeting
Financial Report was read: Balance forward $15,190.98
Income $734.00
Expenses $4,011.20
Balance $11,913.67
Approval motioned by Dave Herold, seconded Wally Durrow - Motion passed
Financial Officer Berry also stated last year at this time we had 11,294.00 in the account.
House: Nothing to report.
Activities: Bill Paris reported that Food Stand will be erected – Bill will call people interested.
Club: Dave Herold reported Financials were still at the accountant. Turned over $4,000.00 to Financial Officer prior to meeting. Account balances at time of meeting follows:
Savings $7,500.00
Renovation $9,047.00
Checking $7,200.00
Membership: Sitting at 117% this year. Got a Certificate of Excellence // Meritorious performance from Nat’l Cmdr.
Kitchen: Started Spring Cleaning. Need to buy a couple of new frying pans at $65.00 Motion made and passed to purchase
Riders: No report
SAL: No report
Aux: Asked about emblems on side of building - Dave Herold said he would look into it.
Senior College Scholarship – looking for donation – Motion made/passed for Legion donation of $200.00
Downtown: No Report
Athletic: April 26th Spaghetti Dinner.
June 14th American Legion Family Night w/ Legion color guard.
July 12th Hosting annual Baseball M&M game.
Working on hosting the Legion Tournament in July.
DAV: DAV Commander Dave Thompson brought up that Greg Weiss – the Volunteer Service Representative requested Legion Co-host a Thank You Dinner for the DAV Volunteer Van Drivers. Bill and Kitchen Crew already aware. Motion made/passed to split the bill with DAV.
DAV donated old van to homeless shelter
Old Business: Nothing
New Business: - S.A.L’s presented check of $100.00 to 20 Year Club and Adjutant Fifarek agreed to match.
- Mayor Jean Stegman said Marinette is going to co-sponsor the 4th of July celebration – Festival will continue to be held in Menominee.
Coo-Coo won the raffle
- Election results as follows:
Commander: Steve Fifarek
Adjutant: Tom Chernetski
Financial Officer: Jim Berry
1st Vice Cmdr John Nutter
2nd Vice Cmdr John Smith
3rd Vice Cmdr Bill Paris
Staff Judge Advocate: Kim Coggins
Chaplain: Dick Pier
Sergeant-at-Arms Herold Herson
Cliff Coo-Coo Cossen
At Large Executive Committee Members
Jean Stegman
Brian Chernetski
David Herold
Jim Smith
Gary Scholtz
Installation of Officers will be conducted at next month’s meeting, upstairs in dining room.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Chernetski