Menominee American Legion Post 146
Minutes for 11 September 2017
(Note: All motions passed are highlighted)
At 1700 Commander Fifarek conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened
Roll call was taken, all officers present.
Minutes from August meeting were read and approved.
Financial Report was read was read and approved – (Herold/Sholtz) - Motion passed
Activities: Numbers still not complete for M&M Steak Fry. Because of hiring a band, looks like we may have come just shy of breaking even. More info to follow.
Membership: Sitting at 477 members – 283 paid. Moving along nicely.
Kitchen: NTR
Riders: NTR
Club: Presented check to Post for $14,000
SAL: Sal-o-Ween and Mardi Gras in planning stages
Aux: Sept 22-23 Dept. Fall Conference in Muskegon.
Downtown: No Report
Athletic: Thanked everyone who helped at the Legion Baseball M&M game.
Our team finished second in the state.
Would like to host the State Legion Tourney next year. (Last week in July) Doesn’t cost anything. Need Post approval. (Nutter/Berry) Motion Passed.
Americanism: Mike said he was already starting to contact the High Schools regarding Boys State.
Working on getting some flags flown over the Capital for various presentations.
Correspondence: Thank you notes from the Hornets, Auxiliary, Menominee Public Schools were read.
Unfinished No Unfinished Business
New Business: Discussed various support for the District Meeting on Oct 7th.
Motion for November meeting on the first Monday vice second due to Hunting. (Pier/Smith) Passed
Motion made to purchase Granite plaques (200.00) with names of volunteers who donate $100 or more.
(Smith/Cossen) Passed.
Gary Sholtz would like Don Hudon being selected as UP Legionnaire of the year posted on front page of Web site. (Herold/Smith) Motion passed.
Jean Stegman won the Stars and Stripes Bunting and donated it back to Legion.
Commander adjourned meeting at 1745
Respectfully Submitted
Menominee American Legion Post 146
Minutes for 11 September 2017
(Note: All motions passed are highlighted)
Executive Meeting
At 1630 Commander Fifarek declared Executive meeting convened
Roll call was taken, quorum was met. Officers Absent: 0
Commander informed committee that John Smith had resigned as 3rd Vice, Keeper of the Flags, and Website Admin.
- Gary Scholtz volunteered to assist with website.
- Looking for volunteer for flags. – Commander, Adjutant & Sgt-at-Arms will fill in.
- David Bohnert nominated by Commander and with unanimous vote, elected to fill remainder of 3rd Vice term.
Motion made (Scholtz) to continue Saturday Jamborees. No more than $100.00 payed to performer. Club funds will pay for performer. Seconded (Nutter). Motion Passed.
Motion Passed to purchase Special Liquor license for Sal-o-ween and Mardi-Gras parties. (B Chernetski/Nutter) Motion passed.
Officer Flow Chart needs to be updated.
Still looking for Activities Chairman.
Approved tailgate parties for bar – open at 11:00 for noon games – 2:00pm for 3:00pm games. (Club chairman’s discretion) Will advertise.
Gary Scholtz mentioned that our rifles need to be cleaned and new slings purchased. Everyone in agreement.
Reiterated that Executive Committee must approve ALL parties/activities conducted.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,