
Menominee American Legion Post 146


Menominee American Legion Post 146

Minutes for 6 Nov 2017

(Note: All motions passed are highlighted)


1700 Commander Fifarek conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened

Roll call was taken, (Nutter, B. Chernetski, D. Herold – Excused) Quorum criteria met.

Financial Report was read was read and approved – (Smitty/Bohnert) -  Motion passed


House:                   Insulation is scheduled. Carpet on hold waiting to paint front room. Air Conditioning problem was a                                   diode and is fixed.  

Activities:              NTR

Membership:       290 paid.  Moving along nicely. 

Kitchen:                NTR

Riders:                  NTR

DAV                       Getting ready to merge with Chapter 42 – Marinette.  Still maintaining the Van program for                                                transportation to Iron Mountain Vets Hospital. Would like to get Legion Post to donate. Brat fry at Jacks                              Nov 10th.

Club:                     Savings 7k, checking 8.1k Renovation fund going over to Club Financial.  Reviewing club  By-laws.

SAL:                       NTR

Aux:                      Attended Fall Conference.  Thanked everyone who helped.  Wreaths across American coming up

Downtown:          No Report

Athletic:               Menominee was awarded the to host the State Legion Tourney next year. Block of 35 rooms at                                          AmericInn.

Americanism:      Still working with High School regarding Boys State.  Planning a face to face meeting with Guidance                                   Counselors.

Correspondence: NTR

Unfinished           Looking for somebody to take over Activities.  Gary Scholtz is looking into broasters.

New Business:    Handrail for back sidewalk $2600.00 (Powder coated). Motion (Pierr/Smitty) – Motion                                        Carried.

                              Deck coming along nicely.  12K raised so far.  Carpeting is in but waiting for front room to be painted.

                              Need a new refrigerator in kitchen.  Get prices on a new one or get fixed. Check with Bill.                                    (Smitty/Nutter) Motion carried.  House for action who delegated to Jim Berry.

                              Dick Pier, Gary Scholtz and Dave Thomson will comprise the Audit Committee.

                              Winter Tour may start here in Menominee – Need to think/plan about it.

Raffle:                   Steve VanEyke won a hat in the raffle.


Commander adjourned meeting at 1745