American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.
January 9, 2018
Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its regular meeting at the Legion Post, First Street, on January 9. Julie Erickson, president, extended a welcome to ALA members, and new member Nancy Polasky. Evie Koutnik in absence of Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain, presented the opening prayer. Julie Erickson noted the flag colors were in place, and a moment of silence was given to the POW-MIA veterans. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner”.
In the absence of Julie Hendrick, secretary, Connie Kewley recorded the minutes of the meeting. Cindy Smith, treasurer, presented the November/December 2017 financial reports. The reports were then placed on file for audit.
Committee Reports: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported that the students from Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy who participated in the 2017 ALA Essay Contest may receive their certificates after some spelling of names are corrected. Marge Albert, Cheer chairman, mailed cards to Dawn Hruska, Michelle Beardsley, and Dona Schrank. Judy Pier, Children and Youth chairman, purchased clothing and miscellaneous items for a 13-year old girl from the Christmas Angel Tree. Barbara Kanyuh, Girls State chairman, reported six girls have applied for the June 2018 program to be held at Michigan State University. A discussion followed on qualifications, and alternate delegates. Barbara Kanyuh, Historian, reported ALA member, Anna Mae Amerman, was the first member selected, and a tribute given for her years of service to the Unit; membership was also reminded to complete their own questionnaire forms. Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported 41 additional members for 2018. The membership is currently at 234 with a goal of 263. The Early Bird membership prize drawing of a floral arrangement was awarded to Patricia Ehlers. Donna Lewis, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, chairman, extended appreciation to Donna and Verda Shatusky, Cindy Smith, and Dona Schrank for assisting in the Christmas Gift Shop at Oscar G. Johnson Medical Center, Iron Mountain, Michigan. Also, Julie Erickson for visiting an Adopt-A-Vet at D. J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans, Marquette. Evie Koutnik, Poppy chairman, reported a poster contest available to ALA members, and encouraged membership to apply; deadline is April 15. Connie Kewley, Public Relations chairman, reported Margo Forrester, Michigan Dept. Public Relations chairman, provided material, and suggestions for ALA programs, and membership growth. A workshop was also suggested to “Think Outside the Fundraising Box”, and will be discussed at a later date. Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported the deadline for graduating 2018 high school seniors to apply for the Menominee American Legion Auxiliary Unit 146 scholarship is March 1. Val Hallam reported in the absence of Jeannette Krause, Bar Committee, that the American Legion Family Appreciation Night is scheduled Saturday, January 20 from 5 p.m. to close. There will be free pizza; in addition Mardi Gras is scheduled February 10. Jane Raygo, Wreaths across America chairman, reported on monetary donations received, pasty and wreath sales, and net profit after expenses of $844 which will be applied toward the 2018 placement of wreaths in the Veterans’ Memorial section at Riverside Cemetery, Menominee. Evie Koutnik, Christmas Ball Raffle chairman, reported that after donations, Christmas raffle sales and expenses, the profit for the fundraiser was $2,753.50 for the program. A thank you was extended to Lorie Spear for homemade items donated, and all the ALA members for their contributions.
ALA member, Verda Shatusky extended a thank you to Jane Raygo, and Evie Koutnik for their fundraising efforts to the Unit, and all members who contributed.
Julie Erickson, Music chairman, recognized birthdays for Barb Gratto and Val Hallam.
Connie Kewley reported thank you letters received from St. Vincent de Paul Society for donation of food, and non-perishable items at Christmas from the membership. In addition, Emergency Rescue Squad, Rainbow House, and DAR Boys/Girls Club for the monetary donations received from the Unit.
Julie Erickson, president, reported on the Downtown Holiday Parade held in November, and the distribution of hot chocolate/hot apple cider donated from Jack’s Fresh Market and Great Lakes Foods for the occasion. A thank you to Don/Margaret Hudon, Evie Koutnik, Joan Branyan, Val Hallam, Dave Boucher, Bill/Lynn Paris, Donna and Verda Shatusky for assisting Julie in the distribution at the Band Shell.
Julie Erickson reported on the 2017 Fall Department meeting, and the need to increase ALA rates due to added expenses, programs, travel, etc. Discussion will follow in February. In addition, the 2018 Mid-Winter Tour with Michigan American Legion dignitaries takes place January 14-20; Legion Post 146 will host a catered dinner by Bill Paris in which all members are invited. The Mid-Winter District Conference will be held January 19-20 at Post 44, Marquette; delegates are needed.
The membership approved the following budgeted items: Post 146 Contents Insurance; Michigan Department President, Deanna Cartright’s Special Project – Pingree in Detroit where leather items are processed, and provides veterans with employment.
Upcoming Events: January 31: Legion Potluck Dinner at Post; February 13: ALA Potluck Dinner at Post; 4:30 p.m. (social); 5:30 (dinner); 6:30 (meeting).
Evie Koutnik concluded the meeting with a Prayer for Peace.