American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.
MAY 8, 2018
The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its regular meeting on May 8 at the Legion Post. Julie Erickson, president extended a welcome to members, and Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain offered the opening prayer; Julie Erickson noted the flag colors were in place, and a moment of silence for POW-MIA veterans was observed. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner”. Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the April 10 regular meeting minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, gave the financial report; reports were placed on file for audit.
Committee Reports: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported two Menominee High School graduating seniors will be recognized for entering the military at the Senior Awards ceremony held at Menominee High School on May 21 at 7 p.m.; Casey Brunette, Army Reserves, and Nicolas Mojica, USMC.
Judy Pier, Children and Youth chairman, reported a need for canned goods at the Abundant Mission Homeless Shelter. The ALA membership approved of a monetary donation to purchase #10 cans of vegetables; Judy Pier will purchase and deliver. Discussion followed on additional donations, and upcoming projects. In addition, there will be a presentation of a “Good Deed Award” by the ALA to Michael Hensley on June 12 for his volunteering efforts.
Barbara Kanyuh, Historian, reported ALA member Verda Shatusky is being recognized for her years of dedication, and service to the Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation program, and ALA organization.
Donna Lewis, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation chairman, reported on the Adopt-A-Vet program at D. J. Jacobetti Veterans Home in Marquette. The membership approved adoption of two veterans. In addition, members supported mailing 10 Father’s Day cards for their program, including a monetary donation.
Frank Atang, Sons of American Legion Commander was introduced to membership, and extended appreciation to ALA for continuous support of Post 146, and announced May 19 as Italian Night to benefit Healthy Youth Coalition; raffles at 2 p.m., dinner and music 5-7 p.m. Members are encouraged to provide desserts.
Jane Raygo, Poppy co-chairman reported May 17-19 as Poppy Days in Menominee, and members need to return poppy cans after distribution to the Legion Post.
Erickson, Music chairman recognized Julie Hendrick and Dona Schrank’s birthdays.
Julie Hendrick, secretary, received correspondence and monetary donations from the Rotary Club, and Menominee Knights of Columbus for the Girls State program. Also, thank you correspondence was received from the U. P. Honor Flight for donation received from Unit 146.
Jane Raygo informed members on Thursday, May 24 at 9 a.m., placement of flowers in Potter’s Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee is taking place. ALA members are encouraged to participate.
Julie Erickson, president, reported ALA Unit 146 was awarded the winner to achieve its membership goal at the May 5 UPAA Spring meeting in Iron Mountain, and the Unit was presented with a patriotic flag banner. In addition, Unit 146 has the highest membership in the U. P. with 289 members. ALA members extended appreciation to Donna Lewis, Membership chairman for her goal persistence.
A discussion followed on the UPAA Summer Convention, Iron Mountain to be held June 8-9, and need for delegates; Margaret Hudon and Donna Lewis volunteered. In addition, on June 21-24 Michigan Department Convention, Kalamazoo needs four delegates; Evie Koutnik, Julie Hendrick, Dona Schrank, and Cindy Smith were added, and Julie Erickson, president will also be in attendance for the conventions.
ALA Unit 146 approved Wilwin at Cignet Cove for veterans as a budgeted item.
The 2018-19 slate of officers was presented to members, and election of officers followed: President-Julie Erickson, Vice President-Donna Lewis, Secretary-Julie Hendrick, Treasurer-Cindy Smith, Historian-Connie Kewley, Shelly Kanyuh-Chaplin; Executive Board: Margaret Hudon, Evie Koutnik, and Dona Schrank. The Installation of Officers will take place June 12, and officers are encouraged to pay 2018-19 membership dues at this time. In addition, Val Hallam volunteered to be Community Service chairman.
Upcoming Events: May 28: Memorial Day Breakfast at Post – 8-11 a.m.; parade begins at 8:30 a.m. - bandshell, May 30: Potluck dinner at Post – 6 p.m., June 2: Family Recreation Day, June 8-9: UPAA Summer Convention, Iron Mountain, June 12: ALA meeting /potluck dinner, and Installation of Officers – 5:30 (dinner); 6:30 p.m.(meeting), June 21-24: Michigan Department Convention, Kalamazoo.
Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain, concluded the meeting with a Prayer for Peace.