American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $40 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions. Also, contact Jane Raygo at 906-863-3086 to submit pasty order forms.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2018
The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its organizational meeting on September 12 at the Legion Post, First Street, preceded by a potluck dinner. Julie Erickson, president, presented the opening prayer in absence of Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain. Erickson also extended a welcome to membership, and new member Pat Violet. There was a moment of silence given to the POW-MIA veterans, and 911 terrorist attack victims. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the "Star Spangled Banner".
Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the June 13 regular meeting minutes report, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, detailed the June, July, and August 2018 financial reports. The reports were placed on file for audit. Discussion followed on the Unit's current CD status by the membership.
Committee Reports: Marjorie Albert, Cheer chairman, mailed cards to Margaret Hudon, Sue Hamm, Tina Fifarek, and Linda Sieminski. Judy Pier, Children and Youth chairman, reported a food donation was given to the Abundant Life Mission Homeless Shelter, and thank you card received from Marian Kulwich, Mission board member. Judy Pier suggested to membership of placing an artificial tree inside Post 146 for collection of warm outerwear clothing and then dispersed to children, and veterans in need; membership supported. Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, extended a thank you to members for school supplies donated, and presented to St. Vincent de Paul Pantry in Menominee for children in need. There were 100 students that applied for supplies. Nutter reported "Give 10 to Education" will continue collecting Box Tops, Campbell soup labels, and Coke plastic bottle caps with codes on 24 packs; members may drop-off at the Post. Julie Hendrick, Girls State chairman, reported receiving six thank you cards from the delegates that attended Girls State in June 2018. An introduction, and presentation by the delegates will be featured at the October ALA meeting. A discussion followed on monetary donations for Girls State 2019, and Margaret Hudon reported that letters requesting monetary donations need to be submitted in August for businesses, and organizations to meet budgets. Connie Kewley, Historian, reported the importance of preserving the Auxiliary's history at the Unit and Department level. Members were encouraged to review the new History Book. Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported 74 paid current members for 2019 with goal of 300. Donna Lewis, Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation, chairman, reported Unit 146 has two veterans for the Adopt-A-Vet program at D. J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans, Marquette. In addition, Lewis reported on the Ice Cream/Nacho Booth status which was held Fourth of July, and Waterfront Festival days in August at Post 146. Julie Erickson, music chairman, recognized the following members for birthdays: (August) Sally Broetzman, Barbara Kanyuh, and Connie Kewley; (September) Donna Lewis, Mary Geniesse, and Judy Pier. Connie Kewley, Public Relations chairman, reported on media news releases to the Eagle Herald, Peshtigo Times, and Menominee County Journal, including social media from prior months. In addition, membership was informed of the Bake/Rummage, and Pasty sales which Jane Raygo will report on at the October ALA meeting. Julie Erickson, president, extended a thank you to membership participation this past summer in the Ice Cream/Nacho Booth, Color Guard, American Legion Class A State Tournament at Spies Field, and Post 146 members, Don Hudon and Steve Van Eyck for their organizational, and preparation efforts for the Tournament. Don Hudon, was remembered in a memorial tribute at the games. Julie Erickson reported on the tribute to veterans that was held at the Menominee County Fair in July at Shakey Lakes Park, Stephenson; ALA member, Anna Mae Amerman was invited to recite the poem "In Flanders Field", and also discussed the American Legion Auxiliary's accomplishments, and goals.
ALA member, Joann Torreano reported completion of a flag pole at Potter's Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee for members to view. Sally Broetzman volunteered to decorate for the ALA Christmas Party in December. In addition, Donna Lewis reported a chairman is needed for the 2019 Christmas Ball Raffle. Julie Hendrick, secretary, reported thank you cards received from the U. P. Honor Flight with attached photograph, and D. J. Jacobetti Veteran's Home for ALA donations.
ALA Unit 146 approved the 2018-19 Budget and Calendar of Events, and the following budgeted items were approved: UPAA Mandatory District Dues, and State of Michigan Incorporation Fee.
Upcoming Events include: October 6 - UPAA District Fall Conference, Little Lake; 10 a.m. (Eastern); Delegates - Julie Erickson and Margaret Hudon; October 9: ALA Meeting at Post - Girls State presentation; 6:30 p.m. Julie Erickson, president, concluded the meeting with a "Prayer for Peace'.