American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $40 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions
JUNE 11, 2019
The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its regular meeting at the Legion Post on June 11, preceded by a potluck dinner. Julie Erickson, president, extend a welcome to members. Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the May 14 minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, detailed the financial report which was placed on file for audit.
Committee Reports: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported on women veteran homelessness, and obstacles encountered. Discussion followed. Marjorie Albert, Cheer chairman, reported mailing cards to Shirley Bailey and Mary Chernetski. Val Hallam, Community Service chairman, reported membership documented 427 volunteer hours in the month of May. Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported Menominee High School senior, Emma Hofer, was the recipient of the ALA $1,000 Scholarship Fund, and will attend Michigan State University; thank you correspondence was received from Emma. Discussion followed on monetary donations from Menominee Legionnaires and Sons of American Legion for the Scholarship program. Nutter informed ALA members to continue saving plastic caps and lids to support plastic “Buddy Benches” being made for schools. In addition, Sherry Nutter reported that an American Flag is being constructed from wood baseball bats to be displayed outside of the Legion Post. Julie Hendrick, Girls State chairman, reported receiving a check from the Rotary to support the program. Connie Kewley, Historian, reported on past/present events and filing cabinets updated for members to utilize. Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported 272 Unit members. Also, Lewis reported for Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation of Father’s Day cards provided to Adopt-a-Vet program, and veterans at D. J. Jacobetti Veterans Home, Marquette, and Oscar G. Johnson Medical Center, Iron Mountain. Evie Koutnik, Poppy chairman, extended gratitude to all volunteers during May Poppy Days to benefit local veterans. Julie Erickson, Music chairman, recognized Cindy Smith, Sherry Nutter, Verda Shatusky, Shelly Kanyuh, Joann Torreano, and Jane Raygo for their June birthdays; Liz Scholtz, Loretta Doling and Marge Albert for July. Val Hallam, Bar chairman, reported second computer has been installed.
Old Business: The membership approved Judy Pier and Sally Broetzman to purchase miscellaneous items for the Abundant Life Mission Homeless Shelter. Jane Raygo extended a thank you to members for placing flowers in Potter’s Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee for Memorial Day. A discussion followed on ALA
Bake/Rummage Sale to be held in July; contact: Jane Raygo @906-863-3086 to donate or volunteer.
New Business: Jane Raygo, Wreaths Across America chairman, reported receiving a check from the DAV to support the program, and a pasty sale is planned for October.
Julie Erickson, president, reported on the June 14-15 UPAALP Summer Convention to be held at Post 146. The membership approved of gift and convention dinner purchase for the ALA Department president and guest. In addition, Jack’s Fresh Market will provide flower centerpiece and flowers for the event.
Upcoming Events: June 26 – Potluck Dinner at Post 146 (6 p.m.); June 27-30 – Michigan Department Summer Convention, Kalamazoo; July 6 – 100-Year Anniversary Party at Post 146; July 9 – ALA Executive Board Meeting (6:00 p.m.) at Post.
Julie Erickson, president, installed the 2019-20 officers as follows: Julie Hendrick,-President, Val Hallam-Vice President, Diane Ewaldt-Secretary, Judy Pier-Treasurer, Connie Kewley-Historian, Tina Bunting-Sergeant-at-Arms; Executive Board - Julie Erickson, Donna Lewis and Lynn Paris.
The ALA membership extended appreciation to past member officers, and Julie Erickson’s name will be added in the engraved service plaque as a past president.
Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain, concluded the meeting with a prayer for members.