American Legion Post 0146
Membership Meeting
December 11th, 2023
Commander Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened at 17:04.
The Charter was draped in memory of departed post members Robert Tomek and Mike Pfankuch.
Roll call was taken, quorum was met.
The November Minutes were distributed and approved as printed.
Commander Gladue gave the Executive Committee Report. John Nutter moved “to accept the Executive Committee Report.” The motion was approved.
Dick Pier presented the Finance Report. Ed Smith moved “to approve the Finance Report.” The motion was approved.
Kurt Lepinski presented the membership report. 272 paid members as of 8 Dec 2023.
Gary Scholtz gave the House Committee report. Requested input as to the division of responsibility between the house committee and the janitor. Gary Gladue to discuss with house committee at their next meeting. Gary Scholtz to make a list of items needing repair to discuss at Executive Committee.
Commander Gladue gave the Activities report. Cash for Christmas drawing on December 21st, 2023, New Years Day Breakfast. No Pot Luck in December. Jim Smith will be retiring from running the pot luck and Dick and Judy will take over running it.
Wally reported that the Athletics committee would be meeting Wednesday December 13th to plan for a spaghetti dinner in April.
Julie Erickson gave the Auxiliary report. They will be placing wreaths on veterans’ graves at the Cemetery on Dec 16 at 10am.
Steve Van Eyk gave the SAL report
Rick Baldwin gave the Legion Riders report. Will have pizza at their December 28th meeting, planning for the blessing of the bikes this spring.
Deborah Knernschield March 13th, 2024 1-5pm veterans expo at Pullman Center.
Unfinished Business: Standing Rules. Cleaning out the storage building. Cleaning the basement carpet.
New Business: VFW to meet here December 16th. Discussion of Queen of Hearts drawing. Dick Pier moved “to appoint Gary Gladue and Kurt Lepinski to a committee to investigate running a Queen of Hearts raffle.” The motion passed. Ed Smith won the drawing.
Adjourned at 18:06
Adjutant Kurt Lepinski