American Legion Post 0146
Membership Meeting
April 8th, 2024
Commander Gary Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared the Post 146 monthly meeting regularly convened at 17:15.
Roll call was taken, quorum was met.
The March Minutes were distributed. Jan Lepinski moved “to approve the minutes as printed.” The motion was adopted.
Gary Gladue gave the Executive Report. A motion to invite as standing guest the Club Committee Manager, the Club Manager, a representative from the Auxiliary, a representative from the SAL, and a representative from the Legion Riders was adopted. The committee discussed insurance changes from Department. Kurt Lepinski moved “to accept the report of the Executive Committee.” The motion was adopted.
Guest(s): the SAL commander, the Auxiliary President, and the Bar Manager.
Tillie Ryan gave the Bar Report. Bar is running smoothly. Jukebox use is increasing.
Dick Pier gave the Finance Report. We received $500 from Marinette Marine Corporation when they had the commissioning celebration of the USS Marinette. Mike Cutaiar moved “to accept the Finance report.” The motion was adopted.
Kurt Lepinski gave the membership report. 343 Paid Members. 96.35 of goal.
Gary Scholtz gave the House Committee report. Discussed the air conditioning, urinals, dryer.
Activities. Jamboree 27th April, Smear tournament 21st April. Had bagging at Jack’s in Marinette and took in $868.85 which was deposited in the Projects account. Brat Fry last Saturday in May.
Steve Van Eyck gave the Athletics report. Spaghetti dinner postponed.
Steve Van Eyck gave the SAL report. Getting ready for meeting in Gladstone June 15th.
Julie Erickson gave the Auxiliary Report. The annual Election will happen in May. Gladstone June 15th.
Rick Baldwin gave the Legion Riders report. Getting ready for the Blessing of the Bikes on June 1st.
Correspondence was read by Kurt Lepinski
Unfinished Business: Gary Gladue is working on a newsletter. Kurt Lepinski gave a report on Queen of Hearts Raffle.
New Business: Nominations for Post Officers. Discussion of Post Constitution. Carl Granquist moved “to research the conflict and allow things to flow.” The motion was approved.
Commander Gary Gladue conducted Nominations for Post Officers and Executive Committee (Members-at-Large) and recorded the results.
Dick Pier moved “to have a standing invitation to a representative of the Auxiliary, a representative of the Sons of the American Legion, a representative of the Legion Riders, the Club Manager, and the Club Committee Chairman to attend our Post Membership Meeting as an invited guest.” The motion was adopted.
Adjourned at 18:33.
Adjutant Kurt Lepinski